b: Monthly special $ 99.95 Health and Performance for Racing Pigeons

Regular price $131.90

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1 x Improver 125 gram

So unique and good that it held a word-wide patent as a “green antibiotics”. It is added to the drinking water, and kills the “bad bacteria”, while it at same time stimulates the natural microflora in the intestines (the “good bacteria”). All resulting in great vitality and good immune defence system. Dosage: 2.5 gram (2.5 gram = 1 enclosed mesurelevel=1/2 teaspoon). The racers may get it the day of return and the day after, to aid rapid recupteration. The breeders and the young birds may have Improver at 50% dosage 3 days per week (3 days in a row or every 2nd day). Same dosage is recommended for all pigeons in the moulting season. Note: Concentrate! 200gram will last for 40 week with 100 pigeons.

1 x AntiFungal 125 gram

AntiFungal™ is administered to the drinking water together with Improver. It will suppress fungus as Candida Albicans.This fungus is very often a problem in periods with high humidity, periods with stress and also after antibiotic cures.

1 x Tricoli Stop powder

A natural product against Trichomonas (canker). For flock treatment. Removes 99.8 % of Trichomonas / Canker within 3 hours!

Contains only pure natural organic substances and vitamins! NOT A MEDICINE, so NO resistance or side effects can develop

2 x Broncho Plus

A revolutionary product from Pigeon Vitality in co-operation with Biochem.

Liquid natural complementary feeding stuff based on essential oils for pigeons – to be administered to the drinking water to avoid respiratory problems during the race season.